Ethos & Values

Our Values 

The school will seek to promote a positive atmosphere where children can feel happy and secure, where good conduct is recognised and rewarded to enable children to grow in confidence and respect.

We will endeavour to create an environment where justice, fairness and equality are paramount and where relationships are built upon trust, courtesy and politeness.

We will create an environment where teachers and pupils have high expectations with regard to learning behaviour.

Our Ethos

To encourage a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within our school, with an understanding that we need agreed values and codes of behaviour for all people to work well together in school.

Be Safe – To choose behaviours which enable school to be a positive and safe learning environment, where all learners can achieve.

Be Responsible- To be consistent throughout the school with regards to clear and safe boundaries of behaviour.

Be Respectful- To treat others how we would wish to be treated, showing awareness of how the relationships we have are affected by our words and our actions.

Our Motto

“Be the best you can be.”

Our Vision

For a happy , safe school where all children work at age related expectations or beyond and leave us prepared for high school and ready to face the changing 21st century world…

Curriculum Intent

The intent for our curriculum is to nurture humanity and equip children to meet the challenges of future life experiences. Our curriculum provides progressively developed skills, knowledge and attitudes that children require to enter the next phase of their education and beyond.

We are ambitious for all children, including those with a disadvantage, SEN or EAL.

 We want all children to become kind, confident, resilient, independent learners.


Our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum and is regularly reviewed to provide a broad and balanced coverage that meets the needs and interests of current cohorts and individuals in school.

To support our curriculum, and the need to broaden the life experiences of our children we provide, where possible, first hand experiences, activities, visitors and visits.

The predominant driver for our school curriculum is language and English, due to the needs of the school community.

Curriculum links are made to previous learning, other subjects and life experiences, to help secure a deeper understanding of what is being taught.

 Quality CPD is used to ensure staff have good subject knowledge and teach subjects well.

 To ensure the best possible outcomes for children, we proactively source evidence-based resources and teaching strategies.

Developing metacognition and growth Mindset is a focus of school improvement and supports capacity to learn from mistakes, response to challenge and feedback, as well as developing independence in learning.


Children leave Eastborough as well-rounded confident learners. They have the cultural capital to become responsible citizens and have a strong sense of self-worth.

Pupil outcomes are improving.